Integrating Telebugs with a Ruby on Rails application

Any Ruby on Rails application can be integrated with Telebugs using the telebugs-rails gem. In this guide, you will learn how to install and configure Telebugs in your Rails application.

For plain Ruby applications and scripts, please refer to the Ruby integration guide.


Add the telebugs-rails gem to your Gemfile:

bundle add telebugs-rails

Generate the initializer file:

bin/rails generate telebugs

This will create a new file at config/initializers/telebugs.rb.

Telebugs.configure do |config|
  config.api_key = ENV["TELEBUGS_API_KEY"] || Rails.application.credentials.telebugs_api_key

You can ask @TelebugsBot for your API key or find it in your project's dashboard.

Add your project's API key

By default, the API key is read from:

  • the TELEBUGS_API_KEY environment variable
  • telebugs_api_key from credentials

You may choose to set the API key directly in the initializer file, but it is recommended to use environment variables or credentials for security reasons.

To add the API key to your credentials, run the following command:

bin/rails credentials:edit

Add the following line to your config/credentials.yml.enc file:

telebugs_api_key: YOUR_API_KEY

Save the file and close the editor. The API key is now stored in your credentials.

Sending a test notification

You can send a test notification to your project by running the following command:

RAILS_ENV=production bin/rails r 'p"Hello, Telebugs!")).wait'

If everything is set up correctly, you should receive a test notification in your project.

Reporting errors

Reporting unhandled errors

Telebugs will automatically report unhandled errors in your Rails application.

Reporting handled errors

You can manually report errors by calling the method:

  # Your code here
rescue StandardError => e

For more information on reporting errors, configuration details, and advanced usage, please refer to the Ruby integration guide.